Mortgage Origination Optimisation API

The Mortgage Origination Optimisation model can be accessed via an API to integrate the capabilities in external systems. 

Standard Endpoint

To generate mortgages compositions from the model Instance use the following POST request endpoint:

Request Body

The request body has 11 top level attributes

Table 1: Request Top level attributes

Attribute Key Attribute Value description
propertyPrice NUMBER The total value of the property being purchased with the mortgage
income NUMBER The total income of the customers applying for the mortgage   
maxDeposit NUMBER The maximum amount of deposit capital the customer has
maxMonthlyPayment NUMBER the maximum amount the customers (or the bank) can pay back every month 
maxTermLength NUMBER The maximum amount of year the mortgage repayments can be spread over
mortgageTypes [ STRING ] The types of mortgages the customer is looking for
Number The maximum loan amount being asked for
[ INTEGER ONLY ] An array of fixed interest terms in years 
questions paymentOptions STRING - How do you intend to repay the mortgage "Resale of Property", "Investment", "Savings"
certaintyOrFlexibility STRING - Is budgetary certainty more important to you or flexibility to repay at any time: "Certainty", "Flexibility"
overpayments BOOLEAN - Are you planning to overpay your borrowing in the foreseeable future ?
interestRateViews STRING - What are your views on how interest rates could change and the impact it may have on your monthly payments ? open String
STRING a query param to be appended to the MCMS query to retrieve the products for a particular legal entity ID. 
key STRING The access key to the service

An example request body:

	"propertyPrice": 100000,
	"income": 25000,
	"maxDeposit": 40000,
	"maxMonthlyPayment": 500,
	"maxTermLength": 25,
	"mortgageTypes": ["Annuity", "Linear"],
	"maxLoanAmount": 60000,
	"fixedInterestTerms": [2, 5],
        "questions": {
        	"paymentOption": "Savings",
        	"certaintyOrFlexibility": "Certainty",
        	"overpayments": false,
        	"interestRateViews": "Go up"
	"legalEntityIdParam": "legalEntityId=GB0000000",
	"key": "AAAAAAAA11111111"

Response Body

The response body has 2 top level attributes

Table 2: Response Top level attributes

Attribute Key Attribute Value description
message String Informative message about the success-fullness of the request
results [ Mortgage Response Object ] A list of mortgage compositions found to meet the requirements    

The mortgage response objects have 12 top level attributes

Table 3: Mortgage Response attributes

Attribute Key Attribute Value description
uuid UUID Unique ID of the solution (used in the model to avoid duplicates)
initialMonthlyPayment NUMBER The monthly payment amount the customer will pay at the start of the mortgage    
totalDeposit NUMBER The total deposit amount required for the mortgage
avgInterestRate NUMBER The average interest rate of all the mortgage components
avgPeriod NUMBER The average period (IN MONTHS) for the different mortgage components. i.e. the length of the mortgage
totalLoanAmount NUMBER The total amount being borrowed in the mortgage agreement
mortgageTypes [ STRING ] The mortgage types being used in the mortgage components (! MCMS does not supply this against the product !)
productIds [ STRING ] The list product IDs retrieved from MCMS and used in the mortgage composition
totalRepayableValue NUMBER the total amount to be repaid over the lifetime of the mortgage
NUMBER the total charges associated with the mortgage products
description STRING A list if reasons (separated by | ) as to what distinguishes this mortgage compositions from the others in the list
mortgagePartitions [ Mortgage Objects ] A list of mortgage components that make up the mortgage offer. These contain the decomposed values 

An example response body:

    "message": "Successfully found results",
    "results": [
            "uuid": "6baffc84-1f8f-442d-97f4-3cdfa5e65fc8",
            "initialMonthlyPayment": 342.07,
            "totalDeposit": 40000,
            "avgInterestRate": 4.75,
            "avgPeriod": 300,
            "totalLoanAmount": 60000,
            "mortgageTypes": [
            "productIds": [
            "fixedInterestTerms": [
            "totalRepayableValue": 102622,
            "totalCharges": 400,
            "description": "Best Interest Rate|Best Total Repayable Value|Smallest Monthly Payment",
            "mortgagePartitions": [
                    "monthlyPayment": 153.93,
                    "deposit": 18000,
                    "interestRate": 4.75,
                    "period": 300,
                    "splitOfTotalMortgage": 0.45,
                    "loanAmount": 27000,
                    "mortgageType": "Linear",
                    "productId": "PR21334YJQK6",
                    "totalRepayableValue": 46180,
                    "charges": 200,
                    "fixedInterestTerm": 2,
		    "key": "Part 1"

                    "monthlyPayment": 188.14,
                    "deposit": 22000,
                    "interestRate": 4.75,
                    "period": 300,
                    "splitOfTotalMortgage": 0.55,
                    "loanAmount": 33000,
                    "mortgageType": "Annuity",
                    "productId": "PR21334YJQK6",
                    "totalRepayableValue": 56442,
                    "charges": 200,
                    "fixedInterestTerm": 5,
		    "key": "Part 2"
            "uuid": "1971d6db-f3bf-4839-84d2-a44fb6585220",
            "initialMonthlyPayment": 377.46,
            "totalDeposit": 15000,
            "avgInterestRate": 5.75,
            "avgPeriod": 300,
            "totalLoanAmount": 60000,
            "mortgageTypes": [
            "productIds": [
            "fixedInterestTerms": [
            "totalRepayableValue": 113239,
            "totalCharges": 200,
            "description": "Smallest Deposit|Largest Loan Amount",
            "mortgagePartitions": [
                    "monthlyPayment": 377.46,
                    "deposit": 15000,
                    "interestRate": 5.75,
                    "period": 300,
                    "splitOfTotalMortgage": 1,
                    "loanAmount": 60000,
                    "mortgageType": "Linear",
                    "productId": "PR21334YJQK6",
                    "totalRepayableValue": 113239,
                    "charges": 200,
                    "fixedInterestTerm": 2,
		    "key": "Part 1"

Simulation Endpoint

To generate mortgages compositions from the model Instance use the following  POST request endpoint:

Request Body

The request body REQUIRES the 11 top level attributes from table 1.

It also REQUIRES an additional attributes called mortgagePartitions , this object has 11 attributes. These values should all come from the response of the standard endpoint, EXCEPT the values that are modified. This values can be changed but the modify flag must be set to true

Table 4: SIMULATION mortgage partition attributes

Attribute Key Attribute Value description
monthlyPayment FLAG OBJECT {modify: BOOLEAN, value: NUMBER} The monthly payment value, the simulation will try not to exceed this value
deposit FLAG OBJECT {modify: BOOLEAN, value: NUMBER} The deposit value, the simulation will try not to exceed this value
period FLAG OBJECT {modify: BOOLEAN, value: NUMBER} The number of years (mortgage term), the simulation will try not to exceed this value
loanAmount FLAG OBJECT {modify: BOOLEAN, value: NUMBER} The loan value, the simulation will try not to exceed this value
mortgageType FLAG OBJECT {modify: BOOLEAN, value: STRING} The mortgage type to use in this component 
fixedInterestTerm FLAG OBJECT {modify: BOOLEAN, value: NUMBER} The fixed interest term to use in this component
interestRate NUMBER The interest rate of the mortgage component
productId STRING The product ID retrieved from MCMS and used in the mortgage composition
totalRepayableValue NUMBER the total amount to be repaid over the lifetime of the mortgage
BOOLEAN if this is the outstanding loan amount (For Remortgage Cases), this should be true, else false or not included
charges NUMBER the total charges associated with the mortgage product

An example request body:

    "propertyPrice": 100000,
    "income": 25000,
    "maxDeposit": 40000,
    "maxMonthlyPayment": 300,
    "maxTermLength": 25,
    "mortgageTypes": [
    "maxLoanAmount": 65000,
    "fixedInterestTerms": [
    "key": "k5b2FDrN6vMCz84E",   
    "questions": {
       	"paymentOption": "Savings",
       	"certaintyOrFlexibility": "Certainty",
       	"overpayments": false,
       	"interestRateViews": "Go up"
    "mortgagePartitions": [
            "monthlyPayment": {
                "modify": false,
                "value": 153.93
            "deposit": {
                "modify": false,
                "value": 18000
            "period": {
                "modify": false,
                "value": 25
            "loanAmount": {
                "modify": true,
                "value": 30000
            "mortgageType": {
                "modify": false,
                "value": "Annuity"
            "fixedInterestTerm": {
                "modify": false,
                "value": 5
            "interestRate": 4.75,
            "productId": "PR21334YJQK6",
            "totalRepayableValue": 46180,
            "charges": 200,
            "key": "Part 1"
	    "monthlyPayment": {
                "modify": false,
                "value": 188.14
            "deposit": {
                "modify": false,
                "value": 22000
            "period": {
                "modify": false,
                "value": 25
            "loanAmount": {
                "modify": false,
                "value": 33000
            "mortgageType": {
                "modify": false,
                "value": "Linear"
            "fixedInterestTerm": {
                "modify": false,
                "value": 2
            "interestRate": 4.75,
            "productId": "PR21334YJQK6",
            "totalRepayableValue": 56442,
            "charges": 200,
            "key": "Part 2"

Response Body

An example response body:


    "message": "Successfully found results|Max monthly repayment exceeds the requested max monthly repayment ",
    "results": [
            "uuid": "d0b71c7f-55f1-40f1-b036-c5eb7ec9a5cc",
            "initialMonthlyPayment": 359.18,
            "totalDeposit": 40000,
            "avgInterestRate": 4.75,
            "avgPeriod": 25,
            "totalLoanAmount": 63000,
            "mortgageTypes": [
            "productIds": [
            "fixedInterestTerms": [
            "totalRepayableValue": 107753,
            "totalCharges": 400,
            "description": "Simulation Result",
            "mortgagePartitions": [
                    "monthlyPayment": 171.04,
                    "deposit": 18000,
                    "interestRate": 4.75,
                    "period": 25,
                    "splitOfTotalMortgage": 0.48,
                    "loanAmount": 30000,
                    "mortgageType": "Annuity",
                    "productId": "PR21334YJQK6",
                    "totalRepayableValue": 51311,
                    "charges": 200,
                    "fixedInterestTerm": 5,
           	    "key": "Part 1"

                    "monthlyPayment": 188.14,
                    "deposit": 22000,
                    "interestRate": 4.75,
                    "period": 25,
                    "splitOfTotalMortgage": 0.52,
                    "loanAmount": 33000,
                    "mortgageType": "Linear",
                    "productId": "PR21334YJQK6",
                    "totalRepayableValue": 56442,
                    "charges": 200,
                    "fixedInterestTerm": 2,
                    "key": "Part 2"

Remortgage Endpoint

To generate remortgages compositions from the model Instance use the following POST request endpoint:

Request Body

The request body has 9 top level attributes

Table 1: Request Top level attributes

Attribute Key Attribute Value description
propertyPrice NUMBER The total value of the property being purchased with the mortgage
income NUMBER The total income of the customers applying for the mortgage   
maxMonthlyPayment NUMBER the maximum amount the customers (or the bank) can pay back every month 
maxTermLength NUMBER The maximum amount of year the mortgage repayments can be spread over
mortgageTypes [ STRING ] The types of mortgages the customer is looking for
outstandingLoanAmount Number The existing loan amount the customer has for the property
additionalLoanAmount Number The additional borrowing the customer wishes to add to their existing loan
fixedInterestTerms [ INTEGER ONLY ] An array of fixed interest terms in years 
questions paymentOptions STRING - How do you intend to repay the mortgage "Resale of Property", "Investment", "Savings"
certaintyOrFlexibility  STRING - Is budgetary certainty more important to you or flexibility to repay at any time: "Certainty", "Flexibility"
overpayments  BOOLEAN - Are you planning to overpay your borrowing in the foreseeable future ?
interestRateViews  STRING - What are your views on how interest rates could change and the impact it may have on your monthly payments ? open String
STRING a query param to be appended to the MCMS query to retrieve the products for a particular legal entity ID. 
key STRING The access key to the service

An example request body:

    "propertyPrice": 200000,
    "income": 50000,
    "maxMonthlyPayment": 10000,
    "maxTermLength": 30,
    "mortgageTypes": ["Annuity", "Linear", "Interest only"],
    "outstandingLoanAmount": 75000,
    "additionalLoanAmount": 25000,
    "fixedInterestTerms": [2, 5],
    "questions": {
        "paymentOption": "Savings",
        "certaintyOrFlexibility": "Certainty",
        "overpayments": false,
        "interestRateViews": "Go up"
    "legalEntityIdParam": "legalEntityId=GB0000000",
    "key": "AAAAAAAA11111111"

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