User Profile

The user profile can be accessed by clicking on your username on the top bar of the page.

The user may go to their profile to change user settings, logout, or switch the organisation they are in.

The settings available are:

  • Ability to change the platform language. Currently supports English and Spanish.
  • Toggle to automatically deploy models
  • Toggle to display advanced options in the interface which are not exposed by default
  • Reducing UI motion
  • Adjusting the sampling instance threshold for new projects
  • Setting up email alerts for incomplete jobs

The user can change the language from the available options.

Once changed and saved, the user will be able to use the platform in selected language. 

For example, if the user selects Spanish as the preferred language, it gets reflected on the whole platform in following ways:

Figure 1. Creation of a new model

Figure 2. Setting the Model configuration

Figure 3. List of rules for a model

Figure 4. Instance inspection, rules view.

Figure 5. Instance inspection, drivers view.

Please note that there will be no change in the language of features and values present in the Data. It will be shown as present in the original Data file. To change the name of the features to the preferred names, a data dictionary can be uploaded in the project.

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