Inference History

Once a model has been deployed and has been handling live inference calls, the inferences made using the 'live' flag, can be examined from the history at a later date.

For individual inferences, the live flag can be set from the individual inference GUI page, or through an API call with the live flag on. Any inference calls without a live flag - i.e. with a demo flag will not show up in the history.

For bulk inferences, this is done by adding a new population to the model monitoring, and ensuring the Store results in history is checked.

Please be aware that this may take a long time as each record to be stored must be inferenced and individually added to the history.

After the inference is complete, it will be viewable in the History tab. The ID, Date+Time, Result, and Score are tabulated.

Additionally, for inferences made for fuzzy models, the inference ID number can be clicked to go to a fuzzy insights view.

The Rules tab shows the rules that were fired by the instance, ranked by the magnitude of their contribution to either binary outcome. This magnitude, given as a percentage, is mainly the product of the rule dominance (how strong the rule is) and the firing strength (how much the rule is being fired by this instance).

The Driver tab will display the aggregate impact of a feature value towards the prediction. More information on Rules and Driver display is available in the Fuzzy Logic Insight Analysis section.

Switching from the Results to the Records tab will show the data within the record that was inferenced.

The inference history can be cleared, the user must type in their organisation to confirm the deletion of all records.

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